Sienna has been chosen by many of the world's highest profile and ambitous broadcasters
Televisa and the BBC are just two examples, scroll down for more examples.
At the Beijing Olympics in 2008, Televisa's Sienna system formed one of the largest visiting infrastructures, second only to NBC. After the games, this system became the core of the Televisa Deportes sports channel. In 2012 Televisa added a second system in London to communicate remotely with the first, and they demonstrated a ground breaking remote workflow covering 4000 hours of shared media. In 2016 Televisa further expanded their Sienna systems creating a fully redundant infrastructure including mirrored storage, MAM, ingest and playout.
In 2007, the BBC selected Sienna for BBC Jersey News which has broadcast news on BBC1 using Sienna every day since then. In 2008 the sucess of BBC Jersey led to the installation of Sienna at BBC London News - the largest regional newsroom in the UK. In 2016 the BBC expanded the Jersey installation and added a companion Sienna site at BBC Guernsey connected to Jersey using Sienna's unique MediaVortex wide area network accelerator. The Jersey and Guernsey sites now have coinjoined asset capability for automated media sharing.